Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happily Ever After

Earlier this year I came across this print on Pinterest.  You can find it here on Etsy to purchase.  I thought it would be a beautiful piece of artwork for our bedroom.  I also thought it would be the perfect backdrop for our babies bump photos!  It provides me a daily reminder of how lucky and blessed I am in my life.   What is your happily ever after?  


  1. Love it, Missy! My happily ever after is my husband and baby... I'm living it. :) I know there are always great things right around the corner, but for now, this is pretty perfect.

    Oh... and it would be a smidge better if you and Dave and your babies were back in WI. :) Just had to get that in.

    1. Funny Katie, getting that little crack in there! well at least we get to keep up with them now on their great blog!! You two both have wonderful happily ever afters, funny how mine is pretty much the same!! :) we are some lucky ladies!
