Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Graduation Day

As soon as we moved back to Wisconsin, we signed Magnolia up for puppy classes.  She was enrolled in Essential Manners, where she learned basic things like sit, down, stay, come and even a few tricks!  She loves to  give high fives!  Monday night was the last class and graduation.  She received a large bone and a certificate of graduation for all her hard work.  What a proud little puppy!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Packer's Preseason Part 2

After a fun afternoon of exploring before the game, we were ready to head into Lambeau to watch some football!

Lambeau, here we come!

The new scoreboard

Excited spectators!

Aaron Rodgers!!!
I am looking forward to a fun and successful Packer's season!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Packer's Preseason Part 1

My parents have never been to Lambeau field.  :-(  DRS And I thought we would help them change that.  We purchased tickets for the four of us to go to the last preseason game vs the Kansas City Chiefs.  We headed up to Green Bay right after lunch so we would have plenty of time before the game to explore the stadium and some of the other hot spots before the start of the game.

We started out by walking around the atrium and heading into the pro shop for some pre-game shopping.

We then headed to Kroll's for lunch.  Kroll's is a dinner on the west side of Lambeau which is famous for their butter burgers.  DRS was a frequent customer as a child either before a game or on the way to Door County.  I am glad we got to share the Kroll's experience together!

Our last stop was the Tundra Tailgate Zone for a chance to do the Lambeau leap and a refreshing Summer Shandy.  Contrary to what most Packer's games are like, it was hot, hot, hot!  It was over 90 at the start of the game so a Summer Shandy was exactly what we needed!